Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cleaning Your Bags

Your bags are sort of a mini luxury investment which some say towards your own self confidence. Use these great tips,
courtesy of Instyle 2007.

Keep your alligator or crocodile bag supple by applying a leather conditioner (like Apple Brand). Use a soft, lint-free fabric like a sheepskin knit (found in shoe repair shops) and test conditioner in an inconspicuous place before using all over.

A suede brush can do wonders, but for serious stains, it's best to see a pro. When storing, wrap leather handles or straps in cloth so they don't rest against suede and leave blotches.

Cloth bags attract dust, so when you're done using a bag for the season, give it a light lint roller before storing covered. For deeper stains or markings, take to a repair shop.

Experts warn against using any type of product on snakeskin, which is quite fragile. Over time, scales will begin to lift. When that happens, you can have the bag lacquered, but the treatment may change the appearance of the scales.

Seperate light patent leathers from dark hued bags to avoid discoloration. To clean, take a piece of cheesecloth, dampen with a bit of white vinegar and rub. Wipe off with a clean piece of fabric.

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